“The upstairs corner of Jet City Harley-Davidson bears little resemblance to Ms. Helen Coleman’s legendary restaurant at 23rd and Union, where she fed her soul food to the likes of Richard Pryor, Ernestine Anderson, and Ken Griffey Jr. But the brisket Coleman’s daughter, JesDarnel Henton, now serves in this unlikely location hasn’t changed at all, the meltingly tender chunks served over a classic mac and cheese.

Ebony Magazine once called Coleman’s cooking “The principal Seattle motherlode of soul food.” Former mayor Norm Rice ate there, and last week current mayor Bruce Harrell checked in on Henton to see what she was up to. Muhammad Ali, B.B. King, and Gary Payton came through Helen’s Diner and the later iteration, Ms. Helen’s Soul Food.”

— Naomi Tomky, Seattle Met